Estonia is more often than not associated with sober, minimalist creations with straight lines, but a new generation of designers are beginning to come to the forefront and their work is just the opposite: color and shapes that will challenge the imagination. This change was helped along by the designer Roberta Einer whose work set a precedent and who experts in the sector are already calling an inspiration to the country. At So Catchy! Where Fashion Begins, we are proud supporters of new, innovative and daring talent so today we’re bringing you a selection of 5 emerging designers from Estonia’s Kunstiakadeemia who are sure to leave you asking for more. And the revolution won’t be limited to the Baltic nation.

Kristel Kuslapuu

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Photo: Taniel Malleus

Mariliis Niine

Instagram: @mariliisniine

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Photo: Gregor Jürna

Make-up & Hair: Danna Eeskivi



Gita Siimpoeg

Instagram: @gitasiimpoeg


Photo: Taniel Malleus


Laura Viia

Laura Viia Design on Facebook

06-laura-viia-so-catchy-01 07-laura-viia-so-catchyPhotos: Taavi Luhamaa




Jane Kivistik



Photo: María José Egea



Translation and layout by Michael Padilla