If you’re a jewellery designer and want to let loose the talent inside you, you’ll want to pay special attention to this article. From So Catchy! Where Fashion Begins, here’s a list of upcoming jewellery competitions that you should remember.


(In alphabetical order)


Friedrich Becker Prize 2017

The Friedrich Becker prize comes with 5,000 € and recognizes extraordinary independent design. You might have heard of some of the previous winners of the prestigious award, Rudolf Bott (1999), Anette Walz (2002), Peter Bauhuis (2005), Robert Baines (2008), Alexander Vohswinkel (2011) and Sam Tho Duong (2014).

Deadline for first selection round: 2 December 2016.

More information at www.goldschmiedehaus.com.



LOEWE Craft Prize 2017

LOEWE Foundation started the LOEWE Craft Prize, an annual prize for innovation in artesanry. As long as you fullfil the requirements, such as the minimum age of 18, participants can take part from all over the world.

Deadline: 30 November 2016.

More information at loewecraftprize.com/es.



Preziosa Young Design Competition 2017

Works from the selected participants will be presented in May/June 2017 at the ‘Florence Jewellery Week 2017’. The winner will also have the opportunity to publish their work in a full-color catalogue.

Deadline: 15 December 2016.

More information at www.artiorafe.it.




UK Jewellery Awards 2017

The UK awards are celebrating their 25th anniversary with this edition. The prizes are focused on the field of jewelry and include different categories, such as retail, design, supply, and employment. It’s an ideal platform to increase awareness for your brand and get international recognition.

Deadline: 20 January 2017.

More information at awards.retail-jeweller.com.





AJF Artist Award 2018

This award focuses on young talent and innovation in contemporary jewellery. More information about the upcoming Artist 2018 edition will be announced in the media and on social media soon.

More information will be upcoming at artjewelryforum.org.  You can read about the 2016 guidlines here.



International Jewelry Design Competition

The goal of this competition is to incentivize jewellery design based on current trends in fashion, to discover and to promote new talent. The winner will be the recipient of the Joya Emprende 2017 Scholarship (Entrepreneurial Jewellery).

Deadline: 15 August.

More information at www.cedij.com.mx.




The Enjoia’t awards are organized by A-FAD association of artists and artisans to recognize contemporary jewellery. They look for creativity and conceptual richness among other things. Students as well as professionals can take part in the event.

Deadline: 15 July.

Information about the requirements can be found here.



Mari Funaki Award for Contemporary Jewellery

This prize got its start in 2014 with the objective of recognizing talent among emerging artists from around the world. The prizes awarded are different for emerging designers and professional artists. The work of emerging designers, for example, will be shown at the Funaki Gallery in Australia.

Deadline: 15 May.

More information at www.marifunakiaward.com.


National Artisanry Awards

These awards are promoted by the EOI Foundation in Spain and organized by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. The prizes go to the finished product as well as entrepreneurship in the field with the goal of promoting contemporary artisanry.

Deadline: 5 November.

The next edition should open for submissions between July – September, 2017.

More information at premiosnacionalesdeartesania.com.




Saul Bell Emerging Jewelry Artist

A competition that recognizes emerging talent among young jewelry designers. The main requirement is to be of legal age.

Final deadline: 4 November 2017.

More information at www.saulbellaward.com.


Translation and layout by Michael Padilla