When it comes to your shirt’s collar it’s important to know exactly how it should fit and what occasions it’s suitable for. An Italian collar is the most commonly encountered kind thanks to its versatility and how easy it is to wear. Here we’ll show you how to style your Italian collared shirt in 3 easy steps so you can master the classic look every single time.
The collar
Paramount to the overall look of your shirt is the fit. So when it comes to Italian collared shirts, just how is it supposed to look? Well, first and foremost the collar’s points are supposed to be pointing downwards with a small gap disclosing the button below the chin. As well as elongating the face this gives the shirt that elegant look. Where the collar’s fit is concerned make sure you know your size. It’s easy to measure your neck so there’s no excuse for a collar that gapes or is too tight. A rule of thumb is to see if you can slip one to two fingers between the collar and your neck. If you can fit more then it’s likely the collar is too big. A collar that is too tight is also noticeably uncomfortable. A simple way to style a classic Italian collar is with a tie tied in either a medium or small knot.
The fit
There are some key areas to focus on when it comes to making sure your Italian collared shirt is fitting properly. Firstly, the shoulder seam should neither ride up towards your neck or slump down towards your bicep. This can cause the shirt to wrinkle unattractively or end up looking way too big. The seam should sit just where your shoulder meets your upper arm. The sleeves should also leave you enough room to move around comfortably or you may feel them pinching or wrinkling at the shoulders and elbows. As Italian collars are mostly worn on more formal or professional occasions then how the shirt fits around your body is also vital. The fabric should not billow around your waist, nor should the buttons appear strained. A slim fit shirt looks great tucked in but make sure the fit is just right. If you’ve chosen the correct sized shirt you should be able to tuck it in with no billowing whatsoever.
The fabric
Once you’ve found the collar and size that fits you just right, it’s time to think about the fabric you want to go for. Ever popular Italian collared shirts come in a wide variety of fabrics from linens and cottons to silks and denim, so it’s all about the look you want to achieve. If in doubt, opt for a classic cotton version that’s easy to style and looks great under your favourite suit. The Italian collar is the right amount of formal without making the look too try-hard. That said, if you’re seeking something a little more adventurous with a unique twist than you could try an Italian collar with a different vibe. Linen shirts are perfect for dressing up on summer nights while denim gives off a relaxed aura and is well-suited to every time of year.